


Title: Investigative Report: Format of English Research Papers


The purpose of this investigative report is to explore and provide a comprehensive overview of the format commonly used in English research papers. With the increasing number of students undertaking research projects, understanding the correct format becomes crucial in presenting scholarly work effectively. This report aims to present a detailed analysis of the various sections, layout, and formatting guidelines that researchers need to adhere to while preparing an English research paper.

I. Abstract:

The abstract serves as a concise summary of the research paper and should be written after the completion of the entire project. It highlights the main objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions, allowing readers to grasp the essence of the study quickly.

II. Introduction:

The introduction section provides the background information and context for the research topic. It includes a statement of the problem or the research question being addressed, an explanation of the significance of the study, and a brief overview of the literature review.

III. Literature Review:

The literature review section showcases the existing body of knowledge related to the research topic. It is crucial to demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject matter and reference relevant scholarly sources. Researchers should critically analyze and synthesize previous studies to identify any gaps that their research intends to address.

IV. Methodology:

The methodology section outlines the research design, data collection procedures, and analysis techniques utilized in the study. It should offer sufficient detail to allow other researchers to replicate the study if desired. This section also includes information on the sample size, data collection instruments, and statistical analysis methods employed.

V. Results:

The results section presents the findings of the study, usually in a clear and organized manner, using tables, graphs, or charts where appropriate. Researchers should avoid interpreting the results at this stage and focus solely on presenting the data.

VI. Discussion:

The discussion section allows researchers to interpret and explain the results obtained. They should connect the findings to the research question, evaluate the implications of the results, and compare their findings with those of previous studies. Limitations of the research and suggestions for future research can also be included in this section.

VII. Conclusion:

The conclusion section summarizes the main findings of the study and their implications. It should be concise and avoid introducing new information not discussed in the preceding sections.

VIII. References:

The references section includes a list of all the sources cited throughout the research paper. Researchers must follow a specific citation format, such as APA or MLA, ensuring correct citations to prevent plagiarism and to provide readers with the opportunity to explore additional information on the topic.

IX. Appendix:

The appendix section allows researchers to include supplementary material that may support or further explain the main content of the research paper. This can include survey questionnaires, additional data, or detailed statistical analysis.


Understanding the format of an English research paper is crucial for effective communication and dissemination of research findings. This report has provided a detailed account of the various sections that researchers need to include, along with guidelines for layout and formatting. Adhering to these guidelines will help researchers present their work in a clear, organized, and scholarly manner.


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