


苏俊安 温哈佛

(天水师范学院外国语学院,甘肃 天水 741000)


教育期刊网 http://www.jyqkw.com
关键词 翻译;对等;目标

Translation for Equivalence?

——A Critical Perspective

SU Jun-an WEN Ha-fo

(School of foreign languages, Tianshui Normal University, Tianshui Gansu 741000, China)

【Abstract】This paper,based on Jakobson and Koller’s translation theories concerning translation and equivalence, takes part of seven Chinese versions of Pride and Prejudice as a case study.The paper points out the Chinese versions achieves dynamic equivalence. Dynamic equivalence is translator’s main pursuit but not the only purpose.

【Key words】Translation; Equivalence; Target

0 Introduction

Researchers in the 1950s and 1960s began to study translation in a systematic way of analysis. The representative scholars are Jakobson who discussed “meaning and equivalence” and Werner Koller’s correspondence and equivalence

1 Roman Jakobson: the nature of linguistic meaning and equivalence

American structuralist Roman Jakobson mainly focuses on the issue of translation: linguistic meaning and equivalence. He points out that “there is ordinary no full equivalence between code-units”. According to Jakobson, interlingual translation involves “substitute messages in one language not for separate code-units but for entire messages in some other language”: The translator records and transmits a message received from another source. Thus translation involves two equivalent messages in two different codes. (Jakobson 1959/2000:114)

Jakobson’s idea concentrates on the equivalence of meaning from source language text to target language text and admits the differences existing between different languages in forms. In this sense, the so-called equivalence is not an ideal identity and sameness covering all aspects related to the transfer of languages in translation. It shows an objective attitude the researchers and translators take towards translation.

2 Koller’s five types of equivalence

(1)Denotative equivalence is related to equivalence of the extralinguistic content of a text.

(2)Connotative equivalence is related to the lexical choices, especially between near-synonyms. Koller sees this type of equivalence as else-where being referred to as “stylistic equivalence”.

(3)Text normative equivalence is related to text types, which different kinds of texts behaving in different ways.

(4)Pragmatic equivalence is oriented towards the receiver of the text or message. This is Nida’s “dynamic equivalence”.

(5)Formal equivalence, which is related to the form and aesthetics of the text, includes word plays and the individual stylistic features of the source text.

Compared with the two theories on translation and equivalence, Koller’s model is a concrete and comprehensive one , which provides a new perspective for the study of translation. This model is related to the internal factors and techniques in terms of translation and equivalence.

3 Case study (an excerpt from Pride and Prejudice)

The following study, which is based on the above theoretical modes, examines different Chinese versions of Pride and Prejudice and trys to testify whether the equivalent effect is achieved.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. There are seven different Chinese versions of this sentence.

1)凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。(translated by Wang Keyi)

2)有钱的单身汉总要娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理。(translated by Sun Zhili)

3)饶有家资的单身男子必定想要娶妻室,这是举世公认的真情实理。(translated by Zhang Ling,Zhang Yang)

4)举世公认,一个拥有一大笔财产的单身男人,必定想娶一个女人做太太。这已成为一条真理。(translated by Yi Hai)

5)有钱的单身汉必定想娶亲,这条真理无人不晓。(translated by Zhang Jinghao)

6)富有的单身男士一定想娶位太太,这是举世公认的真理。(translated by Zhang Longsheng)

7)谁都知道,单身汉有了钱,第一件事儿就是要娶个媳妇。(translated by Zhang Xiaoyu)

By comparing the seven Chinese versions, we can find that, In this sentence,“truth” was translated into “真理”in 5 versions. In one version, it was translated into “真情实理”, the other version, “truth” was not translated directly. “truth” means a fact that is believed by most people to be true. Both “真理” and “真情实理” are equivalent to “truth.” In one version, “truth” was not translated into its equivalent target language message, the message contained in “truth” is not transferred. “universally acknowledged” was translated into “举世公认” in 5 versions. In other 2 versions, it was translated into “无人不晓” and “谁都知道”. In the seven versions, the message contained in “universally acknowledged” was translated into its target language, taking a formal way with “举世公认”,and “无人不晓,谁都知道” an informal way. “a single man in possession of a good fortune” was translated into “有钱的单身汉” in 2 versions; “凡是有钱的单身汉”, in one version; “饶有家资的单身男子” in one version;“一个拥有一大笔财产的单身男人” in one version; “富有的单身男士” in one version, “单身汉有了钱” in one version. “must be in want of a wife” was translated into “总想娶位太太”, “总要娶位太太”, “必定想要娶妻室”, “必定想娶一个女人做太太”, “必定想娶亲”, “一定想娶位太太”, “第一件事儿就是要娶个媳妇”. By observing and comparing different versions, denotative equivalence is achieved: that is the common fact in source language culture is conveyed clearly. The content in both language are equivalent.

However, little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.

In this sentence,there are also several messages related to translation contained in it. “Feelings” is translated into “性情”in 5 versions,“感觉” in one version,“喜好” in one version. “feeling”means something that you feel through the mind or through the senses, the idea or belief, a person’s emotions rather than their thoughts or ideas, an attitude or opinion about something, sympathy,love. “feelings”literally can be translated into “感觉”, but here the original text tends to show such a man’s disposition. Similarly, “喜好”is somehow superficial. It is a words in a literature text, such semantic translation just seeks the semantic equivalence between the two phrases. “性情” can be regarded as a typical example of Newmark’s communicative translation, which produces on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original.“Views”is translated into“见解”in two versions,“见识”in two versions,“观念”in one version,“想法”in one version. “View” means a personal opinion about something; an attitude towards something, what you can see. “见解”,“想法”and “观念”are all equivalent to “views”. However, “见识”contains more sense with regard to one experience rather than one’s personal ideas. “this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families” is translated into “这条真理早已在人们心中根深蒂固”,“这条真理还真够深入人心”,“这个真情实理家喻户晓深入人心”,“那句至理名言已深深铭刻在他们的内心”,“这条真理在左邻右舍的头脑中根深蒂固”,“这条真理深深印在人们心里”,“这个道理已在人们心中根深蒂固”。These seven versions are equivalent to the original version which express the quite similar message in different syntactic structures and phrases.

“the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.”is translated into “自己某一个儿女理所应得的一笔财产”,“自己某一个女儿的合法财产”,“自己这个或那个女儿应得的一笔财产”,“他们某个女儿的一笔正当的财产”,“理所当然应属于自己哪个女儿所有”,“自家某个女儿应得的一笔财产”,“自己的某个女儿应得的一笔财产”。For this translation, the main differences are “合法财产”,“正当的财产”and“应得的财产”,that is the translation of the word “rightful”, “rightful” means “that is correct, right or legal.” , which contains all the meanings of “合法”“正当”and “应得”。 Different choices of the target language words are closely connected with translators’ background knowledge and preference. In the light of equivalent effect, they are the same.

“My dear, Mr. Bennet,” said his lady to him one day, “Have you heard that Nietherfield Park is let at last?”

In this sentence,the differences among the seven versions is the translation of the address form “My dear, Mr. Bennet”, which is translated into “我的好老爷”,“亲爱的贝内特先生”,“我亲爱的贝内特先生”,“亲爱的”。“我的好老爷” is a traditional common address form a wife uses to greet her husband, especially in those families which are rich or have high rank or social status. Since the target language is Chinese mainly for Chinese readers, the version of “我的好老爷” has achieved the equivalent effect. In the original context, such address demonstrate the speaker’s impatience, strong desire for the possession, in Chinese culture, it is also the case. By contrast,“亲爱的贝内特先生”is a common address form in Western culture, for the Chinese reader, it is not so easily acceptable.

(1)Mr. Bennet replied that he had not.

The main difference is the translation of the pronoun “he”, in four versions, “he” is translated into “他”,in the other three versions, “he” is not translated. There is no big difference between them, all versions achieves the equivalent effect.

(2)“But it is ,” returned she; “for Mrs Long has just been here, and she told me all about it.”

The differences of the seven versions is concerned about the different translation of “she told me all about it”, it is translated into, “他把这件事的底细,一五一十地都告诉了我。”,“他把这事一五一十全告诉我了”,“他把这件事通通都告诉我了”,“他把事情的原委全告诉我了”,“我全是听他说的”,“他把这件事全都告诉我了”,“他把这件事的底细原原本本告诉我了”。No matter words and phrases are used in translation the message of source language is conveyed clearly, only in different forms.

(3)Mr. Bennet made no answer.

For this simple sentence, there are also different versions: “本内特先生没有搭理他”,“本内特先生没有答话”, “本内特先生没有吭声”,“本内特先生没有回答他”,“本内特先生没有答腔”,“本内特先生没有答话”,“本内特先生没有理睬她”。Here, the key words in the seven versions can be divided into two groups, “搭理”“理睬” can be one group, which shows Mr. Bennet’s mood and the attitudes he takes towards his wife, while“答话”“吭声”“回答”“答腔”“答话”this group are neutral ones, only reveals Mr. Bennet’s one action.

4 Conclusion

Based on the comparison of the above seven different versions, we can find that five of them are more similar than the other two in forms. All the versions convey the message of the original text, and we can say it achieved the equivalent effect of showing the audience the image of the main character through speaker’s manner of speaking, the life background and psychological characteristics. Therefore, we can summarize that for the literature translation the most important thing is to achieve dynamic equivalence. In some cases, formal equivalence should serve dynamic equivalence. Dynamic equivalence is translator’s main pursuit but not the only purpose.


[1]Peter Newmark.A textbook of translation[M].Shanghai foreign language education press,2005.

[2]Jeremy Munday.Introducing translation studies:Theories and Applications[M].Shanghai foreign language education press,2010.




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